The AM DATABASE is a tool initiated under the framework of FoF H2020 project “FoFAM”* and it is now further developed under "AM-motion" in order to:
- map of the AM landscape
- have an overview of existing knowledge and capabilities
- facilitate networking
It contains information on projects, regional strategies and main stakeholders around this set of technologies.
It is placed on the AM platform web site allowing its expansion, dissemination and continuation after the end of the project.
The database follows the sectorial value chain approach established, being possible to group the information around key sectors for the AM deployment in Europe. Initial sectors are: Health, aerospace, automotive, and consumer/electronics. Lately, industrial equipment and tooling, energy and construction were added.
The database is open to all entities and initiatives that play a role around AM, from technology developers, projects…. to end users, clusters, policy makers…. If you wish to be included on the database, please send an email to: info(at) and we will provide you with specific templates to be fill in. Also please contact us in case you have any other inquiry or find incorrect information.
Examples of available information:
- Overview of PROJECTS per sector, Value chain segment, AM process, AM material
You are able to cluster and view detailed project information depending on your filter's selection. Graphs also available. - Overview of ACTORS per sector, Value chain segment, AM process, AM material You are able to cluster and view detailed project information depending on your filter's selection. Graphs also available.
- Number of actors per country
*FoFAM and AM-motion projects have received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Programme (H2020) under grant agreements no. 636882 and 723560 respectively.
More reports/funtionalities are to become available soon