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AM Related Projects


The overall objective of the AM-Motion initiative was to contribute to a rapid market uptake of AM technologies across Europe by connecting and upscaling existing initiatives and efforts, improving the conditions for large-scale, cross-regional demonstration and market deployment, and by involving a large number of key stakeholders, particularly from industry.
The AM-Motion achieved a unique combination of expertise and networks in the following important areas:

 -   Key technological capabilities and infrastructure (technology development and supply)  
-   Barriers and market failings to industrialisation and deployment (both technological and non-technological)
-   Key future applications and markets o Relevant industrial lead-users
-   Links with regional initiatives and policies

Maint outcomes

Selection of Key AM Sectors for Europe D2.1_Key_AM_Sectors_for_Europe_.pdf

Regional AM mapping of competence update D2_2_AM_Motion__Regional_AM.pdf

European and National Initiatives and RDI programmes AM_Inititatives_and_RDI_programmes.pdf

EU, National and regional AM Projects mapping D2.5_EU_National_and_Regional_AM_projects.pdf

AM standardisation framework D3.4_AM_standardisation_report.pdf

AM Regulatory, EHS and IPR framework D3.3_Regulatory_EHS_and_IPR_framework.pdf

Evaluation of employers needs D3.5__employers_needs_FINAL.pdf

Mapping of courses and projects about AM skills, education and training D3.6_Mapping_AM_educational_initiatives_FINAL.PDF
Report on new paradigm and ICT tools for AM integration



HyProCell develops and validates integrated multiprocess hybrid production cells for rapid individualized laser-based production. The cells include laser-based additive and subtractive manufacturing machines, ensuring a fully finished product from incoming raw materials.

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Results HYPROLINE project

The HYPROLINE project has ended august 2015.

Reports are availalable, however developed main results and built technogoly are shown in this movie.



The HYPROLINE consortium.


The general objective of Hyproline is to strengthen the competitiveness of the European industry by introducing manufacturing methods, which will allow companies to

  1. reduce time-to-market and number of rejects,
  2. make more customized and innovative products with a higher market value, and
  3. make products > 20% more accurate with considerable savings (>30%) in consump-tion of waste metal, fluids and services, with an equivalent reduction of CO2 emission.

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Cassa Mobile

Flexible mini-factory for local and customized production in a container
The CassaMobile concept aims to provide local, flexible and environmentally friendly production of highly customised parts.

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SASAM's mission is to drive the growth of AM to efficient and sustainable industrial processes by integrating and coordinating Standardisation activities for Europe by creating and supporting a standardisation organisation in the field of AM.

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ManSYS is a MANufacturing and supply chain management SYStem. ManSYS aims to develop and demonstrate a set of e-supply chain tools to enable the mass adoption of Additive Manufacturing.

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In today globalized world, companies are trying to remain competitive through the adoption of a strategy where high quantity production of goods is the leverage to reduce costs.
By negating this approach, ADDFactor proposes the "Mini-factories" concept, which is conceived to be an innovative solution for most of the actors involved in the whole supply chain:

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Enlightening Next Generation of Material

Advanced concept of flexible machine for new Additive Manufacturing and Subtractive Manufacturing processes on next generation of complex 3D metal parts.

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The H2020 European project FoFAM, coordinated by PRODINTEC, started on 1st January 2015. Kick off meeting was celebrated in Brussels, on January 14th.

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The purpose of the Diginova coordinating work is to determine the current status and assess and promote the expected potential of Digital Fabrication for the future of materials research and manufacturing in Europe, taking the Diginova scope as a starting point. We will map key material innovation and application domains, identify key technology challenges and new business opportunities.

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