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New book: 3D Printing, Intellectual Property and Innovation –Insights from Law and Technology

3D Printing, Intellectual Property and Innovation –Insights from Law and Technology

Publisher: Kluwer Law Int. Date of publication: October 2017

Description: 3D Printing, Intellectual Property and Innovation –Insights from Law and Technology is the first and currently only existing book to discuss 3D printing (or additive manufacturing) from a multidisciplinary perspective that encompasses law, economics, engineering, technology, and policy. The book is a collection of peer-reviewed chapters written by twenty-five legal, technical and business experts, evaluating the tensions created by 3D printing technology in the context of our global economy. The book is intended to increase knowledge and understanding of the developing phenomenon of 3D printing by proposing academically and practically valuable solutions to some of the most urgent challenges that the technology poses in the context of business, law (with a focus on IP law) and policy. As such, it is a must read for a variety of audiences, including innovation economists, companies, engineers, artists and designers operating within the 3D printing ecosystem, as well as academics, IP practitioners, patent attorneys, legislators and policymakers.



AMEF2017-Additive Manufacturing European Forum-FINAL AGENDA

Brussels, October 17th

Please find below the final version of the Agenda. From tendencies (4D-printing and dual use) to advances and expectations from industry (BASF, SWAROVSKI), the importance of non-technological aspects, key European project as examples and the European Commission initiatives around the Additive Manufacturing world.


Only 35 places left!


AMEF2017-Additive Manufacturing European Forum-Registration open

October 17th, Brussels

We invite you to join us at the 2017 edition of AMEF-Additive Manufacturing European Forum“ that will be held at the Covent Garden Building in Brussels on 17th October. Please find draft agenda below.

The AM European Forum 2017 was born from the strategic H2020 Coordinated Support Action: “AM-Motion:A strategic approach to increasing Europe’s value proposition for Additive Manufacturing technologies and capabilities” and counts with the endorsement of the AM Platform.

The event will bring together policy makers, industry leaders, small to medium-sized enterprises, as well as universities, research and technology centres and other key stakeholders. The debate on the economic, social and technical challenges urging to be solved can accelerate the AM market uptake in the digitalisation era.

Attendance is limited to 100 people. If you wish to participate, please send the following data to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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