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Contribute to MANUFUTURE Platform Vision document for 2030

 Dear Colleagues,

The MANUFUTURE Platform is developing a Vision document for 2030 and a new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).

Following the extremely fruitful collaboration in the past with your initiative, we would like to invite you to actively participate in this process, by sharing with us the views and requirements from your stakeholders.

Regarding the SRIA, we kindly ask you to provide us proposals for research priorities, aligned with the broad research domains that we identified in our VISION 2030 document (for a short description of these domains, please find below a copy of section 5.1 – “Science and Technology” of the current version of our VISION 2030 document):

  1. New business logics and models

  2. Agile manufacturing systems design and management

  3. Digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity

  4. Biotech transformation of products and processes

  5. Manufacturing technology and processes

  6. Robotics and flexible automation

  7. Customer driven manufacturing

  8. Human centred manufacturing

    9.Circular economy, resource and energy efficiency

10.Nano-technology and new materials

Considering its scope, the MANUFUTURE SRIA will include research domains and areas with relevance and impact for the European Manufacturing Industry. For each of the selected research domains, please propose up to 5 research priorities, identifying the respective title, type of research and its description and justification. You can include priorities that you classify as Fundamental Research, Applied Research and Technological Development or Pilot implementation and Demonstration. If you consider that some of the research priorities you would like to propose do not fit under one of the indicated research domains, please include them in a specific table named “other”.

These areas should naturally be relevant for your stakeholders but also have a horizontal / cross-sectorial nature, which should be supported in the respective description and justification.

 In the document below, you find a template to collect your suggestions and an example to illustrate the requested information. Please duplicate this table for each one of the 10 selected research domains (if applicable) and add the information regarding your priorities (up to 5).

Please send us this information until the 20th of June.

After processing all the collected information, we will produce a draft version of the SRIA and send it to collect your final feedback. Your contribution will be duly credited in the final document.

If you have any questions and need more information, please don’t hesitate to contact:

Arun Junai, Coordinator, ManuFuture ETP Sub-platforms and other ETPs

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

With our best regards,


