ASTM international-2nd AM Center of excellence Worskhop
The event takes place on September 16th in Senlis (Paris area at CETIM) and is organized by ASTM international and supported by e.g. CECIMO, EASA, MTC and Fraunhofer.
Join us for a one-day 2nd workshop that will offer participants a unique and comprehensive look at the entire AM value chain, including powder, design, processing, postprocessing, nondestructive inspection, qualification, and certification. The workshop will also cover how the newly formed AM Center of Excellence (CoE) is employing a combined approach of R&D and targeted standards development to fill gaps in standardization and workforce development.
It is dedicated to foster a technical discussion on selected topics by bridging the technical discussions to current and future standardization activities. It is also meant to foster transatlantic cooperation. Attendees will therefore get a good insight in what’s going on in the world of standards at the moment. In the following days of this week, meetings of all ISO TC261 and ASTM F42 Working Groups will take place at the same venue and all attendees are invited to join.
Conference agenda here
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